Saturday 30 August 2014

Dressed up

Dnešný post bude už konečne outfitový. Priznávam, že oveľa lahšie sa mi pripravujú články o nechtoch, keďže tie si viem nafotiť kedykoľvek sama a nepotrebujem k tomu žiadnu pomoc. Ale pokiaľ nechcem fotky outfit-u v spálni pred zrkadlom, tak musím vždy uprosíkať manžela aby mi spravil zopár záberov :) Tentokrát sme sa ocitli na bratislavskom hrade, kde mali svadbu naši kamaráti a boli sme im zagratulovať po obrade. No poviem vám, úplne nádherné miesto na svadbu! Obrad bol vonku, na terase reštaurácie Hrad s krásnym výhľadom na mesto, fakt nezabudnuteľný zážitok. Pôvodne som mala v pláne si obliecť ľahké maxi šaty, no počasie už vôbec nepripomína leto a tak som zvolila klasické púzdrové šaty, ktoré som si mimochodom kúpila 2 hodiny pred obradom úplnou náhodou. Mám rada takéto nečakané nákupy, lebo sú vačšinou rýchle, bez stresov a hlavne som spokojná aj ja, aj manžel :) Makeup som zvolila jednoduchý s výraznými perami - viac detailov spolu s použitými produktami si môžete pozrieť v predchadzájucom poste tu.

Today's post will finally be about the outfit of the day. I must admit, that it's much easier to prepare posts about nails as I can take all the pictures by myself and don't really need any help with it. But in case I don't want the pictures of my outfit just in front of my waredrobe mirror, I always have to beg my husband to snap some nice photos :) This time we went to the Bratislava Castle, where our friends were getting married. Well, I have to tell you that this is the absolutely wonderful place for the wedding. The ceremony took place outside on the terrace of restaurant Castle (Hrad) with a beautiful view on the city, which was really a memorable experience. Originally, I had planned to wear a lightweight maxi dress, but the weather is nothing like summer anymore, so I opted for the classic pencil dress, which I bought just 2 hours before the ceremony by coincidence. I love these unexpected purchases as they are usually pretty quick, without any stress and they make me as well as my husband very happy :) I chose quite simple makeup with bold lips - you can see more details together with a list of used products in my previous post here.


dress - F&F/ cardigan, shoes - H&M/ bag - ASOS/ watch - DKNY


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