Friday, 11 February 2011

I fell in love with my crackle nail polish

I finally got a chance to discover a magic of crackle nail polish. I opt for Barry M - Instant Nail Effect as I didn't really feel like investing in the OPI Shatter to achieve the same effect as Barry M does :)
  • Barry M Turquoise 
  • Barry M Instant Nail Effect
  • Seche Vite  


And one important note for my UK readers: Don't forget to buy the Sun tomorrow :)


  1. great crackle effect! You just made me want to buy it :)

  2. Já pořád nevím, jestli se mi ten efekt líbí nebo ne. Někdy mi to přijde úplně krásné a jindy si říkám "ou, to snad nemyslíte vážně?!". Zatím jsem nezkusila ;) Ale Tvé nehty rozhodně krásné jsou a líbí se mi!
    A proč máte v UK tak často tak skvělé akce na Barry M? Není to fér :)

  3. Passing fancy - Thank you:) buy it... it's really worth it! x

    Boruvk_a - ja som tiez mala najskor taky nazor ako ty... ale teraz sa mi to veeeeelmi paci :))) a tiez si myslim ze v CR a SR by malo byt viac akcii na kozmetiku :))

  4. I really like it! Especially with the bright blue polish :)

    check out my blog and if you like it please subscribe :)


  5. R. - thank you.. I've just subscribed :) x


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